Friday, May 28, 2010

Wanted Dead or Alive: Creator of the Virus that infected my email!

My email has been infected (and thus so has my life) by a virus. I truly feel like the victim of a crime and I want justice!

Honestly, I never thought this could happen to me and was completely unprepared for the havoc it would wreak. Apparently, I may have accidentally disabled my anti-virus software at some point. Still, I'm always careful about the emails I open so I'm not sure where this virus got it. In the past week, the virus has sent thousands of emails to friends, family, clients, business associates, has just been a nightmare. I posted a warning on my facebook and twitter feeds but those have a limited circulation, so I've received a slew of email responses and some were a bit tepid.

I feel like I've been robbed. Robbed of my good name, robbed of my electronic relationships, robbed of my time, robbed of the full use of my computer etc. Seriously, I should be able to file a police report. I want a crack team of computer techs tracking this predator down. The sentence would require disposal of the assailant's computer. There would also be some community service where the perpetrator has to fix every PC affected by the virus he created. It's a nice dream right?

Who knows....maybe someday we'll have some sort of virtual online police. Wouldn't it be cool to just press a button on your toolbar and this law enforcement avatar takes your complaint then goes speeding off into cyberspace to apprehend the criminal! I'm totally picturing a "Tron" like world. Oh well, in the meantime I'll just have to be more vigilant and hopefully never go through this experience again.

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