Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Finding My Voice In Social Media

It has been a year since my first and only blog post and I am incredibly disappointed with myself for not having kept up with it. I've got a million excuses e.g. a rough pregnancy, a premature birth, sick kids, marital strife, economic worries, baby blues, the list goes on forever. What it finally comes down to is that the biggest obstacle to stretching myself into the social media realm is ME.

I'm a great gun for hire. I'll turn out amazing prose under deadline pressure for a client, but when it comes to writing just for my own pleasure I can't seem to carve out the time or settle on a topic. My mind wanders in a million different directions, do I want to comment on today's politics? parenting challenges? the scandals on my favorite reality shows? my personal growth?....can't decide. The funny thing is I do keep a journal, I update it at least a couple of times a month, sometimes more sometimes less. Why can't I do the same on a blog?

I think on some level I fear that any subject matter I tackle will forever define who I am in the blogosphere. If I talk about my children then "mother" becomes my primary title. If I natter about government issues then I'll be labeled as some sort of politico (and probably alienate a whole bunch of people). And I guess that's okay, because isn't that how we brand ourselves? But I haven't figured out what I want my brand to be. I am a writer, mother, wife, aspiring entreprenuer, concerned citizen, etc. and all these parts of me are constantly competing for my limited time and energy. Still, I've resolved to just take it one step at a time. I've started to Twitter, I've got a profile on LinkedIn and someday soon I plan to join Facebook. Stay tuned I may surprise even myself.

1 comment:

MarcieCasas said...

I love that you're tackling the mad world of personal brand identity.

I say follow whatever topics interest you and let go of the boxes others try use in an effort to define a person. We'll all be the richer for it!